yesterday mathias did a performance on the djurgårds ferry as part of the åke hodell festival. the festival continued later in the evening and also included a dvd release. a very successful event.
and another aningan review
It’s a soundscape close to perfection in its precision, one that would be more at place in an art gallery or a concert rather than on a record at home.
- jiituomas
read the entire review here.
aningan reviewed in vital weekly
a metallic undercurrent that is not just deep, but chilly also at times
- frans de waard
read the entire review here.
wonderland exhibition in san francisco
mathias is currently part of the wonderland exhibition in san francsisco. he participate with the group jåw. see details for more information.
aningan: new moljebka pvlse release
a new moljebka pvlse release with the title aningan has been released today on the wonderful label mystery sea.
more information about the release is available here.
in may 1999 the label cold meat industrty released the compilation estheticks of cruelty with a relase party in jönköping.
this was the first release and performance with moljebka pvlse.
since then moljebka pvlse has:
- released fifteen full length albums on many wonderful labels
- released four full length collaboration albums
- released a vinyl single on drone records
- performed live more than sixty times
- toured in eleven countries
- given two lectures at the royal institute of technology
thank you everyone for the support over the years.
there will be more albums, collaborations and concerts coming up.
concert in hågelbyparken
mathias will perform in hågelbyparken on the 16th of august at the festival grönt ljud. the festival is between 12 and 16.
information in swedish below:
Söndag 16:e aug kl 12-16
Grönt Ljud i Hågelbyparken
Fri entré
Ny Musik Stockholm upprepar succén från förra året! Grönt Ljud i Hågelbyparken – en dag full av nyskapande musik, ljud och läten i parkens gröna rum.
Vi utlovar överraskande musikaliska möten för bÃ¥de vuxna och barn pÃ¥ olika platser i parken med nÃ¥gra av Stockholms bästa musiker och tonsättare. Picknickande familjer och promenerande parkbesökare möter sÃ¥väl spännande elektronisk musik frÃ¥n högtalare som äkta akustisk musik – bÃ¥de noterad och helt improviserad – av livs levande musiker. Även ovanliga ljudinstallationer utlovas.
För barnen kommer särskilt Johannes Bergmark och Tippi som uppträder med improvisationer på sina fantastiska instrument och ljudkällor – förstärkta föremål, konstruktioner, hemmagjord elektronik, modifierade leksaker, akvarieutrustning och syntar. Efteråt välkomnas besökarna att se närmare på vad de gör och kanske prova på vissa saker själva!
Medverkar under dagen gör också bl.a: Magnus Andersson, EN.D.E (Katarina Widell och Patrik Karlsson), Krock (Danjel Röhr och Pascal Jardry), Palle Dahlstedt, Ann Rosén, Mathias Josefsson, Mattias Sköld, Lars Bröndum, Eva Erbenius, Henrik Olsson, Daniel Karlsson, Andreas Backer, Vilhelm Bromander samt musiker från the Great Learning Orchestra.
/Ny Musik Stockholm
I samarbete med Hågelbyparken, Länsmusiken i Stockholm och EMS.
Med stöd av Statens Kulturråd, Stockholms läns landsting och Botkyrka kommun
Ny Musik Stockholm är en plattform sprider nutida konstmusik i Stockholms län. Under vårt tak finns föreningar som arbetar med allt från noterad och improviserad konstmusik, till elektroakustisk musik, noise och experimentell rock, elektronika och jazz
För program och mer info se:
Hågelbyparken tar man sig till antingen med pendeltåg till Tumba Station och buss, eller med t-bana till Alby och buss. Se för resebeskrivning!
Film från förra året:
a really nice moljebka pvlse review
…For some reason, moljebka pvlse has long had a spark about it, a small flame that scorches the ears of the listener, and any time the name is mentioned there after, it almost always sounds appealing…
read the entire review here on heathen harvest.
quite a number of skare reviews
there has been quite a number of skare reviews surfacing lately. the glacial movement label collects them here.
another review of the skare album
There is something very special happening in Scandinavian music lately..most of the great experimental and marginal music is coming from that area. Where once the Nordic countries failed abyssmally at conquering the international pop and indie scenes, they have more than compensated for in the leftfield electronica industry.
Amongst a crop on new talent emerging from the area are Skare, who – despite the unfortunate nomenclature turn in an impressive debut for Glacial Movements in the form of Solstice City. In a continuation of the label’s obsessive remit of all things icy and stark, Skare’s Mathias Josefson, Frederik Olofsson, and Per Ã…hlund exhibit a work of profoundly elegant ambience that rivals the work of Lull and Sleep Research Facility, and maybe even Lustmord for sheer depth and dark, engulfing beauty. One short (To The Other Shore), and a duo of long form pieces (Through Wind and Broken Ice, and The Snow Angel Factory) bring the collection to around 60 minutes of sheer deep listening bliss.
Expect dark and haunting presences with protracted sequences of stark, shimmering atmospherics, tracing billowing lines through glassy tones. Occasionally these atmospherics are refracted through a backdrop of field recording elements, deeply abstracted crackles and obscure shapes that reinforce the sense of isolation and solitude in the midst of an Arctic winter. In rare moments, the filtered remnants of a piano break through, like sunlight emerging from dark clouds, giving a sense of hope and humanity..absolutely sublime.
Skare’s atmospherics are not unique, but they are exquisitely executed and faultless, and housed in a beautifully designed cover, with photography courtesy of Bjarne Riesto, this is another minimalist dark ambient masterpiece from Glacial Movements.
White Line, March 17, 2009
the entire review can be found here.
first album by skare
the first ablum by skare is now out on glacial movements. a review by frans de waard can be found here.
…some great nocturnal scary listening session.
- frans de waard
in top shape
“…and again this is Mathias and Karin in top shape.
Starting out as tranquil field recordings with birdsong, they add high ebow drones and something that sounds like many stringed instruments being played simultaneously. After some ten minutes the track moves off into hypnotising drone territory, with occasional sounds of a music box being wound up, giving the whole a freaky atmosphere. The drones build up, louder and louder, to then quickly give way to airy and spacious sounds around the 30-minute mark. Beautiful then is how the track quite unexpectedly ends in glitch, with drones and other sounds skipping and tottering as if you were listening to a badly scratched CD.
Live in Krakow has become a rermarkably hypnotising and far from minimalist piece of drones. And you would not say it is a live recording, but for the applause at the end. Warmly recommended for drone-enthusiasts. …”
- songsoverruins
the entire review of the live recording from krakow can be found here. an english translation can be found on the audiotong web site.
best of dead music 2008
john björkman told me today after our recording session at ems, that the album ghost fire made it to the kuolleen musiikin yhdistys list of the best releases of 2008. thank you guys, it means a lot to me. check out the entire list here.
guest lecture at stockholm university
mathias will give a lecture at the stockholm university on the 25th of february in the class of computer music.
favorite albums of the last five decades
this is from a while back, but it is cool to see a moljebka pvlse album on someones list of favorite albums of the last five decades. the lists can be found here.