Category Archives: exhibitions
Solo exhibition with the smallworldsproject
A new solo exhibition starts on Thursday the 8th of December in Stockholm Sweden. The new piece That’s because we don’t trust nature that is inside us will be shown. More information is available here.
Review of exhibition at Tegen2
A very nice review of the exhibition can be found here.
Solo exhibition at Tegen2
I will have a solo exhibition at Tegen2. Vernissage on Friday the 7th of October between 17:00 and 20:00. Information in Swedish below. Mathias Josefson Floderna förändras under tiden, de har fÃ¥tt nya sträckningar och flöden Vernissage 7 okt 17 … Continue reading
Exhibition at Mejan
And another exhibition this week is at Mejan. I have made sounds for two films by Anna-Karin Rasmusson. For more information see [here].
Exhibition at Backmans
I have made sounds for the film by Sture Pallarp. This is the exam project by Sture and in shown this week at Beckmans. For more information see [here].
Dreamworker | Something Else – Visions of Couture from Beckmans College of Design on Vimeo. Sounds used in the director Sture Pallarps work Dreamworker. Check it out. It is on show at NK in Stockholm until the 6th of February.
Suihkulähde: Solo exhibition at Galleroben
Tonight is the opening of the Suihkulähde exhibition at Galleroben. More information is available here.
ongoing and upcoming exhibitions
it has been quiet on the website for quite a long while but finally there are some updates. there is currently a group exhibition focusing on the Swedish conceptiual art at Kalmar konstmuseum. The piece 1977.11.22-2007.11.22 is part of this … Continue reading
wonderland exhibition in san francisco
mathias is currently part of the wonderland exhibition in san francsisco. he participate with the group jåw. see details for more information.
guest lecture at stockholm university
mathias will give a lecture at the stockholm university on the 25th of february in the class of computer music.
a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak
mathias will be part of an exhibition in oslo. “the only hard thing is to begin: A GRASS BLADE’S NO EASIER TO MAKE THAN AN OAK Ã…PNING fredag 21/11-08 Galleri Nb8, nordahl bruns gt 8, OSLO.” more information here.
first exhibition in london
mathias will be part of his first exhibition in london on october 23rd. mathias will show his piece snapshot:lndn. more information can be found here.
mathias josefson is part of group exhibition at tegen2
mathias josefson shows his new piece snart kommer signalen in a group exhibition at tegen2. this is the final weekend of the show. more information here.
mathias josefson exhibits at galleri mejan
there will be an exhibition at galleri mejan where mathias josefson will participate. the exhibition opens on the 16th of august and closed on the 20th.
review of the spring exhibition
“…En hel del av kandidaternas verk rör sig kring en vardagsmagi, som ömsom hakar in i ett större sammanhang, ömsom förblir en personlig angelägenhet. Mathias Josefson presterar ett av hela utställningens mest fascinerande verk, en ljudinstallation byggd pÃ¥ temat Hades … Continue reading